I am the usual unlucky google search guy. I rely on almost everything relating from my work to daily chores on google search, and most of my valuable time is spent on simply searching on google to find my stuff. At times, I will not get any answer on the first page, and there have been instances of me reading results and hunting for my answers up to 5th or 6th page.

Google has been deliberate on web developers that it rely on website’s meta data for it’s crawling. So, developers optimize their meta tags to include stuffs relating to their content.
I feel that sometimes, it could be misused by people putting all sorts of possible keywords in their meta tag. This would bias the search indexing.
Also good websites with content but poor SEO often fail to appear in search results, because of bad SEO. So, our required content may be there somewhere in the web but is not benefiting us.

Who to blame? Not sure. Perhaps, in near future AI can understand this biasing and would give us better results.

NB: This is what I felt, because nowadays it has been very difficult to search and find a way. I feel the search results are too many and cluttered.
Suggestions are always welcome. :)
.peace. _ /\ _